Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
Posted by MEGA T

2 In - 2 Out USB
Best sound quality for the price
Easy plug and use
I host an online mixshow called “Viberoom” that airs twice a month on Beat Junkie Radio (Yes, those Beat Junkies. The legendary Beat Junkies) - and their station is hosted on the Dash Mobile App. So putting together a great quality show is a must when you’re being co-signed by a pioneering DJ crew like the Beat Junkies. From the DAW system to the mixers, turntables and song selection, everything has to be top notch. But being on a budget can make some gear difficult to obtain. Welp, needing an audio interface and being on a budget isn’t much of a worry these days thanks to the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. At the time of this post, I bought one for around $150 and couldn’t wait to get it home. The Focusrite Scarlett boasts easy plug and play. I had never used one before and thought Youtube could help me “plug and play” even faster in the connection department. Boy was I wrong. 12 Youtube review video’s and zero “how to install” vids. So seeing that I wasn’t getting much closer to connecting it to Ableton I thought I’d literally plug in the Scarlett’s USB and see what happens. The website is what happens. Focusrite’s site popped up and had me go through a licensing form and an email confirmation. Focusrite also had a 1 minute video on using the Ableton preferences to read the Scarlett 2i2. From start to usage took all of 5 minutes. I had spent more time scanning Youtube for “how to” vids.
Now installed, I began testing it out. Using my AKG condenser microphone I began mic checking. I hit record in Ableton and began reciting the lyrics to The Notorious B.I.G’s “Warning” (The only song lyrics I know). I hit “play back” and my voice sounded like sweet angels singing in the wind. And after adding some reverb, a compressor and a plug-in EQ, I sounded like a young Mariah Carey. Remarkable being that I was rapping and not singing. Okay, so maybe it doesn’t perform miracles. But the Scarlett 2i2 performed way better than I thought it would. For $150 this thing is a champ.
The sound is very full and natural. The mic-in comes pre amped with a dual XLR/Quarter inch input as well. There is also a small LINE to INSTR switch right on front, very convenient. The knobs and casing all feel very solid. It has a nice weight to it also. Makes me feel like it’s worth more than what I bought it for. A very cool feature are the feet at the bottom. Very large and full of grip. I like feet on flat gear that’s like that. Makes the gear feel like it won’t slide around and get all sloppy. Lastly the the back is very clean with 2 quarter inch outs and a USB connection. All in all, the Scarlett 2i2 is a solid work horse. I’m using it now constantly for the mixshow - recording interviews, air brakes, doing segments and even editing new stingers that I’ve voiced over. This is a small dope piece of gear that I can tuck away and hide in my studio desk. And if needed, I can simply unplug the USB and XLR cord; get up and go.